Cristina L. Connor


As an accomplished attorney at MDK, Cristina Connor works primarily on foreclosure, eviction, and title curative matters. She assists clients in all stages of litigation, including case assessment, factual investigation, electronic discovery, depositions, dispositive motions, mediation, and trial preparation.

Cristina Connor, an Attorney at MDK based in Philadelphia, brings a wealth of expertise to the field of residential and commercial foreclosures in Pennsylvania, along with a focus on title curative litigation. Since joining MDK in 2016, Cristina has demonstrated a deep understanding of Pennsylvania foreclosure practice, coupled with an unwavering commitment to achieving favorable outcomes for her clients. With a keen eye for detail and a drive to move cases forward efficiently, Cristina stands out for her ability to navigate complex legal landscapes and obtain results.

Driven by a passion for problem-solving and a dedication to delivering exceptional client service, Cristina approaches each case with a critical and creative mindset. She emphasizes, "I have a deep understanding of Pennsylvania foreclosure practice and do my best to move our cases along to resolution." This commitment to excellence underscores her role as a trusted advocate for her clients, ensuring that their interests are safeguarded throughout the legal process.

At the heart of Cristina's success lies her ability to collaborate effectively with colleagues both within and outside of MDK. She actively engages with the Pennsylvania legal team daily, leveraging collective expertise to navigate cases efficiently and effectively. Cristina's collaborative approach extends beyond internal teams to include clients and opposing counsel, reflecting her belief in the power of teamwork to achieve optimal outcomes.

Cristina's commitment to problem-solving extends beyond her legal practice. She aspires to be known for her ability to identify and address challenges proactively, both within the MDK team and for their clients. Cristina finds fulfillment in collaboration, recognizing it as a cornerstone of success in the legal field. She emphasizes, "I enjoy working together with people to achieve a singular goal. The best way to learn and improve yourself is through collaboration with others."

Aligned with MDK's mission and values, Cristina sees the practice of law as more than just interpreting statutes—it's about applying legal principles in a way that solves real-world challenges for clients. She interprets the firm's mission as a call to excel in problem-solving and client advocacy, emphasizing the importance of practical application in legal practice. Combining her expertise with tenacity, Cristina confidently guides clients through legal complexities, consistently achieving favorable outcomes.

* Please note that
Cristina L. Connor
is not an attorney.

Roger Williams University School of Law, J.D., 2014
Bryant University, B.S., 2010

Related Experience

Commercial Collections Eviction Prosecution Foreclosure Prosecution Mediation Title and Closing

Bars & Courts

Pennsylvania, 2014 New Jersey, 2014

Title Agent Licensure

Awards & Recognition